A Celebrity hub and the best step towards transforming your skin and life
Skin Lounge Dr. Simple Aher Celebrity Hub
Would you even believe if we said that you can now get glamorous look that you wished for ? the very thought of achieving a perfect look may have given you unparallel excitement right ? and why not ? nothing makes you feel confident and glowing as healthy skin. However, giving yourself a flawless radiant skin is easier than done. Factors like stress, pollution, lifestyle changes sleeping habits and cosmetic residues have contributed significantly to damage our skin on a daily basis. These factors make it impossible for our skin to regenate in its natural course.
A SOLUTION FOR TODAY’S WOMENToday even women who are in the mid-20’s are facing ageing related problems like wrinkles, dark circle and deepend laugh lines. Thus, it is important for everyone to start lifestyle modification and taking care of your skin from an early age under the right qualified guideance. Problem related to ageing, scars, dulleness, stretch marks and blemishes are difficult to be treated but are not impossible to cure. You will be glad to know that this skin problems can be treated will full safety and effortlessly effectively.
Experts SpeakCelebrity Dermatologist, cosmetologist and Trichologist, Dr Simple Aher who is the CEO of Skin Lounge based in Mumbai has the perfect solution for you. She is the leading figure behind phenomenal transformations of eminent business personalities, models, housewives, and celebrities from the world of glamour. Along with the trust of her clients she also received two gold medals and numerous awards for being one of the best dermatologist and anti-ageing doctor on a pan India level. More than transforming, Dr simple has touched many lives by giving them self confidence and a positive outlook towards themselves. Her zeal and constant efforts towards making a difference have made people feel good about their appearance.
SKIN CARE PROCEDURES ( At Skin Lounge Dr. Simple Aher Celebrity Hub)Dr Simple and her team at the state of the art Skin Lounge Clinic tirelessly work towards giving you not only a flawless face but also a perfect body. According to her looking good is just a small segment of a person’s life, caring for one’s own body and mind is the real secret for achieving really self-confidence and positivity.
Offering non-surgical anti-ageing procedures that not just transform the face but also sculptthe entire body, Dr Simple is helping countless individuals regain their beauty. Her ideology is that beauty should be natural, affordable, permanent and safe for everyone. This ideology is the sole reason why Dr. Simple Aher is immensely respected and sought after by her clientele.
A range of Skin treatmentsDr Simple Aher have set a bench mark in skin treatment facilities. She offers and exclusive range of USFDA approved safe painless and advance procedures that include treatment on face, neck and complete body, The clininc can address problems like acne, scars, fairness and glow, hair growth and scalp, skin tightening, botox, fillers, vampire facials, facelifts, breast lifts, stretch marsk, laser hair reduction, hair growth, butt lift, designer vagina, vaginal tightening and more. Her non-invasive surgies, through injectables and contouring, make safety and health of clients a top priority.
Feeling beautiful is an aspiration a dream for many. Aided by the ultra – modern technology available to her, her expert knowledge and overwhelming adherence to her mission, Dr Simple transforms these dreams into reality.